EMG offers a large selection of bags of different volumes and purposes. We also offer to design a product from the ground up to fit your personal needs.
The majority of our product range have come to life through customer requests and feedback. Our development sector strives to create the perfect product for our customers.
Working Load Limit
Custom dimensions
Excellent materials
Request = Solution
Before committing to the procedure, the customer must be aware that the development of custom bags will require some time.
Custom project costs are determined by project size, project difficulty, and projected unit count.
Idea & Contact
When a customer contacts us with an idea or need, our development team works with them to find a satisfactory solution.
Conceptualizing & Prototyping
We will collaborate on the conceptual drawings until the customer provides their final approval. After that, the prototyping process will start.
Approving & Testing
To guarantee quality, the product will go through high safety-factor load testing after the customer approves the final prototype. (only for lifting bags)
Production & Shipping
The product can now be produced in batches and satisfies all applicable testing standards. After shipping, the customer will be able to receive the products.
We advise utilizing the width and length measurements of our present bags, which are as follows, for bags with hard bottom covers:
Square tool bags (W x L):
35 x 35 cm • 25 x 57 cm • 35 x 60 cm • 46 x 77 cm • 70 x 120 cm • 90 x 130 cm
Round tool bags (Ø):
35 cm • 48 cm • 80 cm